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About Us

The Greene County Economic Development Corporation’s mission & public objective:


Mission Statement

The Greene County Economic Development Corporation is empowered by the Greene County Legislature to:

Establish programs to encourage the creation of employment opportunities primarily for low-income residents of Greene County and to provide entrepreneurial training to low-income residents of Greene County thereby encouraging the creation of businesses by low-income residents of Greene County, and;

Encourage the restoration, rehabilitation, and sustainable use of vacant and underused properties within Greene County and other remedial actions to eliminate physical, economic, and social deterioration within the County, and to provide education and training to members of the public to encourage the rehabilitation and preservation of properties within the County, and;

Acquire by purchase, grant, gift or otherwise, real property within Greene County (including property which is contaminated), to improve, maintain and manage such property (or contract for the improvement, maintenance and improvement of such property), to enter into contracts to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of such property, to mortgage such property and otherwise take steps to facilitate the redevelopment, preservation, use or reuse of vacant, underused or deteriorated properties within Greene County and to disseminate information and furnish advice, technical assistance and liaison with federal, state and local authorities with respect thereto, and;

Apply for and make grants and loans, and to execute any documents necessary in connection therewith, and to borrow money and to make, draw, accept, endorse, execute and issue negotiable bonds, debentures, notes and other obligations therefor, and;

Enter into agreements and covenants and to comply with all the terms, conditions and provisions thereof, and otherwise to carry out its corporate purposes and to foster and encourage the location or expansion of facilities and related businesses within Greene County, and;

Undertake such other activities as deemed advisable by the Corporation to advance its corporate purposes, but not for the pecuniary profit or financial gain of any member, director, officer or any private person.

In addition to the foregoing, the Corporation shall have all the powers conferred by Section 202 and Section 1411 (c) of the N-PCL, together with the power to solicit grants and contributions for any corporate purpose and the power to maintain funds of real or personal property for any corporate purposes. The Corporation shall have the right to exercise all other powers which are, or hereby may be, conferred by law upon a corporation organized for charitable purposes or which are incidental to the conferred powers.

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Who We Are

The Greene County Economic Development Corporation is run by an experienced board of directors, and its dedicated staff encourage businesses to locate, grow, and succeed in Greene County.

Board of Directors Staff


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