Legal Notice – Request For Proposal (RFP) – Professional Consultant for CDBG Microenterprise Administration Services

Background and Description: 

The Greene County Economic Development Corporation (GCEDC) is seeking proposals to hire  a consultant to assist with administrative review services for Greene County’s recently awarded Community Development Block Grant Microenterprise Assistance Program (MAP). The MAP is designed to assist local municipalities to support and foster the development of microenterprise business, build entrepreneurial capacity, stimulate economic growth, and create permanent job opportunities for LMI individuals and microenterprise business owners.

The GCEDC entered into an agreement with the Greene County Legislature as the County’s MAP subrecipient. GCEDC is a local development corporation focused on economic development, and can implement a wide variety of programs and activities for community and economic development, planning, loan fund administration, grant administration, and grant writing. Administration services will be paid with grant funds.

Project Scope:

 Grant administration services shall include, but are not limited to, standard tasks necessary for implementation of the project in conformance with OCR CDBG compliance areas. The successful proposal will encompass the following responsibilities:

  • Assist with application process and verifying applicant eligibility
  • Assist with application underwriting, preliminary scoring, final scoring, and award decisions
  • Preparing grant agreements for each awardee
  • Assist in completing project compliance checklist for each applicant throughout the application process
  • Preparing project disbursement requests confirming completion of requirements to access funds
  • Preparing for disbursement of funds to beneficiaries
  • Assist with any auditing requests and resolving any findings
  • Monitoring overall program progress
  • Final program reporting and closeout
  • Other services as required

The GCEDC will enter into contracts with one consultant. All assignments shall be on an as- needed basis, and the scope and fee associated with each assignment will be based on an approved contract remuneration schedule. Consultants must offer qualifications and fee schedules for the items in the RFQ.

Total Program Budget:

Program Administration: $15,000 Program Delivery: $30,000 Grants to be Disbursed: $255,000

Form of Proposal:

 Three copies of the following shall be provided:

  • Letter of proposal indicating the consultant’s interest;
  • Brief description of the firm’s qualifications, principals, and areas of particular expertise;
  • A list of clients and relevant projects;
  • A remuneration schedule showing hourly rates for project team members and any other supplemental expenses typically incurred for the described services, which will become the fee schedule for the contract period. Contracts will be extended on a yearly basis affording an update to the remuneration
  • NYS Vendor Certification(s), as applicable, on the NYS Contract System for any vendor that is certified as a Minority or Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) or Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business Enterprise. If applicable, provide the Vendor DBA, Certification Types, and Certification numbers. Such certification is not necessary in order to participate in the

Consultant Selection:

 Staff of the GCEDC will review consultant proposals.  The GCEDC may conduct interviews  with one or more respondents. The GCEDC Board will authorize the GCEDC to enter into contracts with one or more consulting firms. All respondents will be notified of the selection as soon as possible after the submission deadline. Women and Minority owned businesses are encouraged to apply.

Special Conditions:

 The selection of a consultant shall not guarantee any minimum amount of services under the contract;

  • The GCEDC reserves the right to reject any or all proposals; to negotiate any elements of a proposal; to conduct interviews at its sole discretion; and to solicit and/or select contractors outside of the scope of this RFQ;
  • The GCEDC assumes no responsibility or liability for costs incurred by respondents to this RFQ, including any requests for additional information, interviews, or negotiations; and
  • All applicable State and Federal rules and regulations must be adhered to by the consultant including stipulations on equal opportunity employment, affirmative action, nondiscrimination, civil rights, Americans with Disabilities Act compliance, and record
  • The GCEDC anticipates that this RFQ will meet its needs for consultants to complete the aforementioned professional services, and is conducting this process in accordance with the procurement rules and procedures established and known at the time of the release of this RFQ. Contract language with the successful consultant (s) shall include the appropriate State and Federal language regarding the provision of services to the
  • The GCEDC, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 78 Stat. 252, 42 USC 2000d-d4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, part 21, Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, herby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex or national origin in consideration for an
  • The GCEDC requires its consultants working on New York State funded projects to meet any employment and business goals imposed on grant awards through Executive Law 15-A for the State’s Minority and Women Business Owned Enterprise contracting program (MWBE). The GCEDC also requires its consultants working on New York State funded projects to meet any employment and business goals imposed on grant awards through Executive Article 17-B for participation by Service Disabled Veteran Owned

Evaluation Criteria:

 The GCEDC shall, at its sole discretion, select the most qualified firm, based on the best weight score of the following criteria:

  • Relevance of previous experience; [10 points]
  • Prior experience working with State or Federal agencies, especially: US Department of Housing and Urban Development, NYS Office of Community Renewal, NYS Department of State; and Empire State Development; [20 points]
  • Demonstrated capacity to complete assignments and manage complex projects; [20 points]
  • Established track record for successful client grant awards [20 points]; and
  • Cost effectiveness of proposed remuneration schedule [30 points]

Release Date: September 28, 2023 Deadline for Submission

Proposals are due no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 19, 2023, and shall be directed to James Hannahs, Executive Director, Greene County Economic Development Corporation, 411 Main Street, Suite 419, Catskill, New York 12414. Inquiries may be addressed to