Seven Coxsackie Projects to Utilize $4.5 Million in NY Forward Funding

In the fall of 2023, the Village of Coxsackie was awarded a $4.5 million grant from New York State through the NY Forward Program to assist the Village’s revitalization efforts. On May 20, 2024 New York State announced seven projects slated to receive funding.

This award of NY Forward funds created significant opportunities for the revitalization of down town Coxsackie. The seven projects to receive portions of this funding include:

Transformation 14 S. River St. into Visitors Center and Museum: $1,186,000

Rehabilitate 14 S. River St. into a Visitors’ Center and Museum, including multi-purpose community space as well as the addition of public bathrooms for visitors to downtown and Riverside Park.

Restoration of the Dolan Block for Mixed-Use Redevelopment: $1,000,000

Rehabilitate the historic Dolan Block building to accommodate first-floor commercial space and approximately 10 residential units on the upper floors.

Revitalization of 5-7 Mansion St. for Mixed-Use: $700,000

Rehabilitate the historic structure at 5-7 Mansion St. to accommodate ground floor commercial retail and/or food service and to provide multiple residential rental units on the upper floors.

Development of Affordable Artists’ Housing at the Public Works Site: $500,000

Construct a mixed-use, mixed-income affordable housing development at the Village Public Works site, focused on artists. The project will include an improved streetscape and any necessary brownfield remediation.

Creating an Art, Food, and Music Venue at 1 Reed St: $74,000

Install a commercial kitchen and make interior and exterior improvements to the building at 1 Reed St. to accommodate a venue for community art shows, live music performances and specialty exhibits.

Installation of Equipment to Improve Cell Service in Downtown Coxsackie: $240,000

Install equipment on top of 46 Reed St. to provide cell coverage to residents and visitors of downtown Coxsackie.

Improvements to the  Pedestrian Infrastructure Downtown: $800,000

Design and construct street and sidewalk infrastructure to improve pedestrian connectivity and safety downtown, including an enhanced gateway entrance and incorporating green infrastructure improvements to address stormwater mitigation.

See Announcement